This sites purpose is to fundraise to help my spouse and I adopt, and to also have some of the donations go towards charity.

I was born with Goldenhar Syndrome and it took me awhile to gain up enough courage to share this about me on this site where many people will read. Goldenhar Syndrome is when you stop developing in the womb when the mothers 3 mint pregnant but you keep growing. This is a random condition with unknown causes. Due to this stop in development is causes the child to be
born with one ear, crooket face, anno under developed spine, an left whole side of body including face grows slower than other side and left side bones and organ are smaller on the left. But I am not helpless like my mom was told I would be. I walk, talk, move, love, and deal with my days like everyone else and I also am a good singer.

When I was born in 1984, the doctors like I said did tell my mom the I would never walk,talk, or help myself and the I am missing organs and will be helpless my whole life. I had operations from baby to 18 years old at Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA. I have seen alot of pain and from age 5 to 13, I was always kept on the children's cancer floor.

It was horrible, but I would grab my IV pole and sing and dance when able and that enabled me to make those wonderful kids smile through their pain. I always true too succeed to be someone and with my learning disability and the horrible school system I was in, it made it to hard to catch up to the other students academically cause I was labeled.

Sorry to say when I graduated High School in 2003 I was only on a 5th grad level in all subjects and it felt horrible. Over a few years I taught myself 7 years of learning that I missed and graduated college with a degree in Criminal Justice.

I did everything to become someone and I always had the stacks against me but I kept going. Now I'm 33, and my spine is not doing good. I can walk and do things but I was told I can't work and it makes me feel helpless.

I'm married so I then thought about becoming a mother. I got all excited but found out I cant carry a baby full term and I'm also not fertile. This is killing me cause I feel lost. I want to a mother more than anything so that's how to got into fundraising.

Yes selling these candles is my starting point and then I am going to fundraise other wonderful things.

Now I checked out these candles cause I don't want anyone to be tricked and they honestly are awesome. They last forever no matter how long they burn and the scents are amazing and wonderfully fill the rooms.

They are $14 each but worth it. The charities tba some of the donations will also go too are Saint Judes to help our with cancer and Childrens Craniofacial Association in TX that helps children who have Goldenhar Syndrome like me and other similar conditions.

With every candle you buy you help me to finally succeed at something I dream of being, a mother. You also help donate to two charities.

I will continue fundraising even after a adopt to help different charities and help provide for our family. I feel providing people with too products and me having a successful job at doing this is a win win.

If you want to help fill out form below and I will get back to you asap. 

Thank you for reading this and God Bless You All.